KT Mediation
Mediation is Biblical
Christians are called to resolve their disputes outside of court as much as possible. As a law firm that has litigated thousands of cases in court, we know the cost for our clients financially, emotionally, spiritually, and relationally. The judicial system is often ill-equipped to handle your very personal legal matters, and provide the best solution. Not surprisingly, God’s ways are best. In the case of settling our disputes with our adversaries, mediation is preferred whenever possible. We believe every Christian should at least try mediation if at all possible prior to taking the most often much more costly and long and arduous road of litigation.
KTO Mediators are Peacemakers.
We want to help you reach a fair and just resolution to your matter with the least amount of adversarial stress possible and in a spirit of dependence upon the Prince of Peace.
Mediation is Less Expensive
- We offer 1/2 day mediation for $1,600 or full day mediation for $3,000 (that’s $800-$1,500 per party total).
- The above pricing does not include final settlement documents and pleadings for a dissolution nor does it apply for complex civil legal matters. The above pricing usually includes minimal issues in dispute and/or attorneys representing the parties who will draft pleadings and final documents.
- If you want us to draft and file the final documents in a dissolution, 1/2 day mediation is $2,700 or full day mediation is $5,000 (that’s $1,350-$2,500 per party total, which is less than any reputable attorney’s retainer and the costs of a complete dissolution from start to finish). We will work hard to assist the parties with a full resolution in one day.
Mediation Appreciates Your Autonomy.
Rather than present your case before an underpaid and overworked judge who does not want to make decisions about the important affairs of your life, you get to make the decisions.
Mediation Requires Compromise.
A perfect mediation is one where both parties have engaged in the uncomfortable process of give and take. In order for both parties to “win,” there must be compromise on both sides of the equation.
Mediation Saves Time.
Let us mediate your case and we’ll help you reach resolution in hours and days verses months and years.
We have Glendale and Peoria Offices
Book an appointment online or contact us:
Call us: (623) 937-9799
Email: law@ktolawfirm.com