I’ve been thinking about death and dying this week for a number of reasons. One reason is I attended a beautiful celebration service for the unexpected loss of a close friend of our law firm. Another is New Jersey recently became the 7thstate to allow terminally ill...
Family Law
Blended Families & Probate
Your Spouse May Not Get What You Think! We all know that not every law serves us well. Let me provide an example of a situation that could occur for you as a result of Arizona Revised Statutes Title 14–2102 and -2103. Any property that you possess which is not...
KTO Adoptions-Something to Smile About
At KTO Law Firm, we love to assist our clients with living out their faith. The book of James chapter one and verse twenty-seven (1:27) in the New Testament says true and pure religion that is acceptable to God is caring for orphans. True religion is not going to...
Financially Independent Adult Children
In the March 1, 2018 edition of Financial Advisor, Greg Sullivan writes about the financial wreckage of parents with children who fail to become financially independent adults in his article, When Adult Children Wreck Parents’ Retirement. The article reminds me of...
If you are subject to a child support order from the Superior Court of Maricopa County, or another trial court of record, you should be aware of how that process works and what your rights are in the future. Almost all courts, including Maricopa County, compute child...
Lent KTO Style…Seeking Justice for the Oppressed
Today is Ash Wednesday, marking the beginning of Lent. Beginning in the 4th century, the early church began a seven-week preparation for Easter called Lent. This was a season of repentance and fasting from ordinary activity and perishable food, so that Christians...
Single Gay Christian & SB 1160
I read a book this week, Single Gay Christian, by Gregory Coles. The book details the journey of a Christian young man who never experiences sexual attraction to females, which he initially discovered at the onset of puberty and had confirmed as he entered...
Potential Arizona Family Law Changes
Today begins the first day of the 2nd session of the 53rd legislature for Arizona lawmakers. Two Family Law Bills that could impact you: 1. HB2006--eliminates any parent/guardian and judicial exception for marriage to anyone under 18yrs of age. If the Bill passes,...
Over 40 years of law practice, I have come to the conclusion that the legal system does not do a good job of resolving disputes between family members, especially those between husbands and wives. Over the last few years a new process called Collaborative Law has...
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