Potential Arizona Family Law Changes

by Jan 9, 2018Family Law0 comments

Today begins the first day of the 2nd session of the 53rd legislature for Arizona lawmakers. Two Family Law Bills that could impact you:
1. HB2006–eliminates any parent/guardian and judicial exception for marriage to anyone under 18yrs of age. If the Bill passes, there will be no more marriage for anyone under 18yrs of age in AZ, period. Does anyone care about this Bill? If so, why?
2. HB2031–adds to the list of reasons a court may grant spousal maintenance under ARS 25-319A(3) to include if the spouse seeking maintenance has made a significant financial or other contribution to the education, training, vocational skills, career or earning ability of the other spouse, to include if the spouse seeking maintenance has significantly reduced that spouse’s income or career opportunities for the benefit of the other spouse, and to delete if the spouse seeking maintenance “contributed to the educational opportunities of the other spouse.” This is a great change that recognizes the incredible work and sacrifice of homemakers who forgo education, careers and income for the benefit of a spouse and his/her career. What are your thoughts?

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